Sunday, December 27, 2009


enjoy my life as penganggur..ngeee;p im thinkg of working part time,but my abah kte jgn nak ngade2 duk umah babysit ur grandma..boring lah ..duet pun tak dapat..but dapat makan free evryday..awesome rite??everyday i will do the same job..just like bibik weh..sigh! woke up at 10 am,then amek all the clothes n cuci..then masak for for a while ..back to work around 5 pm ..then at night masak ape yg patot if my mom xde lah kan..if ade my mom will cook for dinner..yer terbaek pekerjaan ku sekrang..happy??yes i am..what else can i do..ngeh

Friday, December 25, 2009

december post;))

sudah lame ta update blog..busy with my sudy nd know sudah tak tawu nak watpe bile da cuty and my mother kate i've to babysit old baby..which that mean my mom will pay my salary later..nak mintak lbh sket yer ma???
heeee..stuck at home withe grndma..last week i went to wangsa maju which my old hometown..alohh rindu nak pg sane lg,meet my old fren...start missing alreday dear bestie..we have so much fun at bangi kopitiam then gelak2 out loud..pastuh g jusco then melepak lagi kayt scret kan dear??hari maw lepak cmtuh...

sayang girlfren: i love u sooo much n tanx sooo much for ur time;))
xoxo love

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7 feet under..

my final is going so ok ryte now..dugaan betol..everything blank,tak leh function lah and whatever lah..start blik from A to Z..Ha amek,pd muke aku lan..have to be present nex week je..few days group da pening,skit perot,kecut perot thinkg bout this final project..hampeh betol..godek sne godek sni trus blank the website...what a nightmare la if ta siap ..the offline bagai da hilang hbs all the databse..hurm..hope its gonna be ok back..

for groupy:lets pray everything goingback to normal;)) aminn..

mood:tak payah describe..down like 7 feet under;(( deep lah kan..

Monday, November 30, 2009

telalu baik..

some people said jgn terlalu baik ,nnty org pijak kepala..there what happen to me..being too nice smpai tak recognize the good and bad side..manusia kan punye hati lain..skarang cakap lain esok lusa da jadi lain..well same goes what happen to pijak kepala suke2 je..coz nurul nadirah ni tak reti how to marah org..only can i say is "xpelah"..haish..da kene pijak baru sedar..manusia2;p..realize bile da kene..heee;P standard for human dat never gratefull what the pencipta have give to u..human always forget what they have.what they do and what they have rite a human too..punye hati kecil yang ingin accomplish what i dream for..yesh go for it dira..why cant i being too nice??is it wrong?? sick of the people that realize what they do after da bwat..
cant u think what their feeling??

i dun care what u want to do..just leave me alone
and let me walk by myself..

i was wondering wha if become a bad person??
ngeh..just be urself..the real u lah kan..
happy already..cuz i the one who know myself better..;)))


i just wish i can;))

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1st love

status:im thinkg bout my oldy time;))

owh 1st love its not so easy to forget kot..yelah 1st time learn how to love somebody,take care somebody and macam2 lah..heee;))1st love also make u too know what is the life is kan..1st love bole describe as cinta monyet tak??hehe cinta yang ntah pape..aiyaya..owh tak leh lupe how i leh in love with somebody mse form 1 dulu..gatal betol anak ck din ni..hehe yelah terikut membe kan.. membe ade bf sy pun nak juge..hihi now the person is happy with his happy too look at already have your own dream to accomplish..well done sgt..both of us now ade life sndiri kan..but we never forget bout our 1st still mad at u a cite lame lets forget bout that..heee;)) never ever forget about the old memory..that will make me know where i come from,how my life become better and better,ETC..thank you for your memory and saya sgt menghargai kengan awak...kelaka sgt*wink* sgt budak2...haish now do it what ever u dream about and create ur life that more better than praying that u will find someone way better than me...amin sgt awak..Good luck in ur life..i never forget bout what has happened toward us coz u the one who aja sy bout love..ajaran sesat awak yeh..Heee;p everybody have their 1st love so do we..the things that screwed up mse dulu lets just forget and create our new life..which is u are happy and im happy too look at you..

tanx you first love for the memory;))

im happy with my love rite now..
tanx also for the anything that we have rite now
in love with you;))
aww...its u love

something will happened..

no wonder if ur oldy said to you like this:
1)jgn bwat kerja last minute
2)bwat awal2 nnty tak kelam kabot
3) hve to be prepare everyday
4) jgn gedik2 nak wat kerja lambat

well do listen plss..something will happened..mcm kene curse if not listen to them..huuu;))
that what happen to me n my frens..gile kentang everything leh jd kelam kabot..sigh..but Alhamdulillah everything is went so good after the "things happen"..heee;))

for the linda,mel & yul
what a day we have been through together..
love u all the joy that we have..
stay in good relationship..

Monday, November 23, 2009

happy anniversary!!

yes its my n our anniversary..
2 years n 4 month..
in love sgt;))
thanks for everything love..
ur sacrifice n everything..
its mean alot to me..
thank sgt..
keep standing and strong..

i luv u love;)))

Thursday, November 19, 2009


wat an awesome tgk am nak kiamat da dunia..peta dunia can turn around like 360 degree..suddenly all thing in this world tenggelam...2 n 1/2 hours lah this sgt watch this movie it will make us insaf seketika..

love thanks for the movie yeh..xoxo

Sunday, November 15, 2009


yeah words for..
tanx like aloooot to u..
tanx for the humilation u just give..
yeah u..
bad huh??
can i descride u such as a backstabber??
listen to me you..
the one who bad mounthing ..
happy with what u r doing??
thank God..
i noe my its not urs..
i realize what i doing..
im grateful coz im realize wat have i did..
not like u... so pissed off with u..
yes u!!
so listen to me you something and anything..
i noe wat i did wrong..
no need to tell anybody where my wrong is..
cuz u is not so perfect..
juz like me..

so tanx again for the humiliation..
tanx anyway and plus tanx and tanx again....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

my love

ow.. he's busy with study mintak maaf cannot give u my full attention towards u..
sy sgt busy with my final project yang sgt sorry for letting u tiada when u need sorry yer..after da grad ill pay it back ..heee;))

sincerely from

Monday, November 9, 2009

sy envy bout others life

statement yg sgt best..heee;)) nothing to jeles pon,but ade ker org yg ta nak hidup way better than their life skarang?? happy to see u live in a good life..rezeki you..its not my rezeki live a life like..but sy bersyukur..i still have abah and mama..siblings too..way better than the orphan and poor people..alhamdulillah..

im happy with my life rite now..sometimes jeles jugak with other people life..
its ok dira u have everything u need for..
sudah cukup untuk memuaskan hati kaw..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

i miss u..

yer sy rindu..
die yg jauh sgt...
even die da pergi jauh dr sy ,tp sy tetap rindu die..
i need that kekuatan ya TUHAN..

aku mengalirkan air mate kerana dia..
melihat gambar nyer sudah membuat hati ini sebak..
kau pergi menyembah Tuhan yg stu..
dan aku disini redha akn pemergian mu..

Ya Tuhan besar ujian mu ini..
aku berdiri smbil muhasabah diri ini..
perlu kata2 semangat dari yg tersayang...
aku lemah disaat ko memggil mereka yg aku sayang..

i do have weakness..
sy mohon pada mu Ya Tuhan tlg tempatkan dia disisi mu..
kerana aku terlalu rindu dan terlalu syg akan dirinya..

i wish i have more time to spend with you atok..
sy sedar sy manusia yg sgt lemah..
Ya Allah ampunkan segala2 dosanya dan tempat kn dia disisi mereka yg beriman..
i love u and i miss u..

Friday, November 6, 2009

another MUET

at 7.30 am..

MUET the second part which student have to listening,writing and reading session..
cuak ok...wish me gud luck..need that luck sgt2..;))

Thursday, November 5, 2009

final project stuck!! sengal la my lappy..bwat hal pulak.."wat happen to u lappy beby,mrajok yeh"..sigh..
bleh stuck tengah2 jalan pulak..the project have to submit in december..aiyak few days n hours more..dye buat perangai pulak..mara la mcm ni..;/ frens punyer lappy pun leh jd sme mcm my laptop..dorg komplot neyh..haish..

semlam go to pavy and sg wang..looking for dress..laa bnyak nyer yang cantek2..yunk beli jacket for dinner,me beli forever21 punyer kemeja..the tema of that dinner is red carpet..sigh..ala nak pakai dress ta nak yg seksi2..hehe;))

laptp beby:pls berfungsi as usual mamy need u to do my work..i love u more k beby!!;))

project problem

hmm..the progress of project stuck seketika..kesengalan lappy sudah melanda..*wt

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

happy 20th buffy dear

Joyeux anniversaire à ma bien-aimée sayang

smoga ko panjang umur dan murah rezeki
i luv u more day by ou frenship is gettig old then before..
i love u xoxo
hee,,nty celbate ye..;))

sy maw bawa mereka lari bleh??

boleh yeh???
love xoxo
sgt rindu ini org...

Monday, November 2, 2009

im happy

ye sy gembira kerana sy punyai family sgt lovable..;)) standing behind and if i fall they will catch glad ya Tuhan..bersyukur untk semuanya..punyai manusia yang masih menyayangi tanpa had..memg berbaloi-baloi have family like them..awesome kn..ngeh

i was like terkejut seketika when i see my sassy kakak in law nyer blog..the day i was driving from kl-bkt tagar using" their "car..sgt syok dapat bawak keta org..tanx sister!! me and her pecah after reach bkt tagar..i went to UNISEL n "them" went to makngah house..bleh plak terserempak ngn accident..haish takot kot..

owh 1 more thing when i was drving to my house on last Friday.i saw an excident..the car hit the motorcycle and the person that on the motorcyle terbang mcm superman..gile ngeri aite?? i was so suprise ,shaking seketika..and terpegun juga..n sy call Abah ..abah kate ok lah tuh..cmtuh pulak?? from now saya sgt berhati2 ketika memandu..;))

for u(b)
bwk keta anak dara mama n abah punyer ok;))

Thursday, October 29, 2009

the secret reveal

my fren tell me all the secret mse dulu punyer..kelaka sgt..the thing yg happened ms skolah dlu..ur puppy love la and etc..all the cite terbongkar like suprise sgt..and heartbroken jugak lah..but sume that secret memang kelaka...heee;)) can i just go back to that time??*wink2*..if cite kat gulfy mawu pecah perot dorg gelak..the gf sgt out loud ble gelak..mawu riuh nanty..hehe..
sgt gembira heard all that thing..i love it..
yes im happy rite now...n i love it weyyyy..


unisel is having convo..mcm coming convo baby..haha amin harap2 dapat convo secepat mungkin..heee;)) for those yg final sem..gud luck guys...wish u alll thee best..succes k..

u said..


the true friend is u can rely and refer to her/him..laaaa aku rindu ko life is getting harder and harder day by day.. maw jumpa kamu,maw hug kamu,maw cita macam2 sama kamu semua..want it fast..rindu sgt ;)) i wish i can go back to the past and fix my mistake..heee..

bestie sgt rindu..xoxo

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

im sorry??

easy word to say but hard to explain what the meaning kan..yer lah everyone do mistake same goes to me..x per when somebody do the bad things toward u pastuh cakap cmni"im sorry tak realize ape yg i cakap""sorry for terbwat aper yg u x suke ..sory for this and that..kan senang to say that word kan..ble buat salah ckap sory then expect yang org itu akan melupakan human not kayu..masih punya persaan dalm hati ini..kalaw betul2 da bersalah admit lah and jgn buat lagi..
ni tak besok2 buat lg then sorry lg..hehe standard la for human yg sering terlupa..including me..ngeh ;)) use the word when kte betol bersalah dan tak kn ulg benda tuh lagi..its ok at least u realize thet u did something wrong dr ta tawu..;))

aku juga punya hati
hati yg kecil..
hati yg sentiase ingin dilindungi dan tidak disakiti..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

the situation

location-still at unisel..sigh

when u seat u have to think??what should u do??where should u go??n other question..hee when the time is come all the question will have their answer..hem so u just have to think n give a time to urself to get the answer la kan..yer that should i do..memikirkan sesuatu yang lebih dr yang saya punyai sekarang..Alhamdulillah..i now realize that kite punyai mase untk berfikir sebaik2nya sebelum membuat keputusan..turn back a little n stay..then make the decision that useful for urself,not other..urself kn..ngeh..;))

Friday, October 23, 2009


yer berslah from being jauh dari DIA..kerana ku lupe jalan yg sentiasa dihadapnku..menilai kegembiraan.keseronokan lebih dr keredhaan..andai sje aku pergi dr dunie.kemane akn aku tuju..DIA x penah lupekan aku,aku yg pergi jauh,jauh sgt dr NYA..hina sungguh hamba mu ini..melangkah trlalu cepat sampi terlupe ape yg tertinggal di belakang..kerana aku lalai,aku yg selalu mnyalahkan org laen,aku yg sentiasa memperbodohkan diri dgn benda2 karut..DIA lempar aku dgn segala ujian supaya tidak aku yg serg menyalahkan diri dan takdir..hari ini sekali lg ujian ..aku dicabar dgn kesabarn,cukup2 sabar..kalaw saje kaki ini igin melangkah,aku mau pergi jauh..pergi jauh dr kau tp dekat dgn DIA..aty ini terlalu sesak dgn ujian,kemarahan ,keegoan ..pergi lah kau jauh dr aku,kerana aku terlalu penat bersabar..hati ini terlalu sakit nak menilai betap bgus nya kalaw bersabar..yer cukup .aku penat...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

need to be strong

this last sem,penat nyer ta ingat..the project was sgt gile..haish..tired already..need a brek lah..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MUET speaking..

time- 7.30 am

today ade MUET test..hari yg ditunggu da group member is mel,linda n yul..awesome kan dapat the same people..everybody was asking 'mcmne leh dpt group sme??"ler u go in 4 of member ms dftr then get leh the people..ngeh..wait about an hour,my group punyer turn..before that we were like mcm org dah terel sgt..laughing tak ingat ,read dictionary and the read again n then laugh again..sgt terel kn..everybody was like practice what they want to say,my group +adilah was laugh n bersembag n gossiping..hee;)) the time when my group name is been called mcm2 perasaan ade..nak blik,nak g toilet,nak mcm2 lah..hehe then went to the other room for MUET test..there is 2 person in there,a women..budget takot,kot t ade org pakcik bermisai pulak dlm tuh jd ktorg nyer person that in charge...glad it is not..then the lady give us 1 minute to read the task..the title is 'start a small business.elobrate"..hem write the point and then u have to elobrate the point by urself..nervous ok??im the candidate B..all the candidate must give their opinion..then finish..start the task B pulak..where u have to discuss about the same title n the last u have to give the conclusion of what title do u choose..hee gagap sumenyer..but alhamdulillah everything is ok..

Friday, October 16, 2009

the reason..

happiness is depend how is u being honest to somebody kan..yes i realize that..when we honest we get the sweetness from being totally selfish toward him..x sedar sgt sorry..the thing is i dunnoe how to manage my time anymore..memalukan betul kn,de besar tak reti manage time..sorry again..behave like a kids,yes me..sorry again n again..hee..

by David Munoz

The Smell of your hair
The taste of your kiss
These are the things
That I will always miss

The sound of your voice
The feel of your hand
They affect me in ways
You could never understand

The love in your heart
The peace in your eyes
They make me feel
Like I want to cry

You are a gift
That God gave to me
And I can just feel
That we are meant to be

I'll love you forever
I hope you do too
For it's only a short while
Before we say "I do"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

need a break..

yeah that what i need rite now..sometime i feel dat im being a totally jerk..yelah not a good gf..hem kan..what can more i say ..the truth im the big "L"..there too much in this relationship..when someone ur partner have u the one have to be beside him/her..huhu susah nyer..every day i just wish that i make a the best decision ever..the truth is no im not..penat...i just want to go..pergi la kemane saje kaki ini ngin melangkah..jauh dr segalanya..yer itu yg saya mahu sgt saat ni.. juz want to rest n make my heart feel senang..just want to go..jauh from hp,jauh fr aauh dr anybody,jaueh dr masalah,jauh dr headache,jauh dr so pathetic kan..can i just sleep n forget about everything?? woke up the nex day wishing that everything back to normal..ngeh kalaw boleh..miss my atok..the one who laugh what ever i do..a big mistake i did,he just can say"cube lagi SIRAH"..
yeh the person yg alaways complain if i cook for him..heee..Ya Allah lemah sgt hamba mu ini..merindui sesuatu yg sudah pergi jauh..

miss u atok!! Allahyarham HJ DOLLAh BIN KAMAL
moga dicucuri rahmat keatasnya..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


im happy so frens was pregnant..she become a best kan 1st baby..the due date was in February 2010..x sbr nyer..i will become untie lah kan..hihi im happy for u dear..
yeay! im waiting for bf to called,tp x call pun..yer lah bz sgt ktenye..hem xpe lah..

today menu..
  • sardin (cook by me)
  • tomyam(beli)
  • ayam goreng(da siap punye)
  • tekur dadar(linda cook)
sedap ok..kenyang sgt..ngee

Sunday, October 11, 2009


esok ade midterm..mdm latifah class..try to understands the note,tp tak msuk jugak.. so tired..cant we just cancel the midterm??if can lah..the B is at bentong lg..budjet terel la dats guy no need to study..frankly speaking im so tired to membebel at u!! fahm tak?? ngeh..i've only have a week to study the MUET desparate looking for the simple article for my MUET..susah my parent know dats their daughter always prepare last minute..cant throw that habits..hee

waitin 'B' to called..

for bee

Oooooh ooooh
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointin' out my wrongs
i never needed pain,i never needed strenght
My love for you was strong enough you should've known.
I never needed you for judgement
I never needed you to question what i spent
I never ask for help, I take care of myself, I don't know why you think you got a hold on me.
And it's a little late for conversations
There isn't anything that you can do.
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so look at me , listen to me because,

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

I never needed your corrections
On everything from how i act to what i say
i never needed words, i never needed hurt, i never needed you to be there everyday
I'm sorry for the way i let go
Of everything i wanted when you came along
But i am never beaten, broken, not defeated
I know next to you is not where i belong
And it's a little late for explanations
There isn't anything that you can do
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so you will listen when i say baby

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

No more words
No more lies
No more crying ooh ooh
No more pain
No more hurt
No more tryin' Oh Oh Yeah

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

Yeah Oh
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken

Saturday, October 10, 2009

late nite

time:2.31 am

working out bout our project..already in a good progress..alhamdulillah..the group is doing great..hee sgt tired..

Thursday, October 8, 2009


yeay ,today is was a very a fun day..we have a badminton competition at IPIS..between mentee..the game was start at 4.oo pm but the student came almost 5.00 usual lah..ngeh.. main2 sampai tak hengat lenguh tgn ..dat wat happen when redah je main..hee..

my members is adila,botak,tan,lim and yul..the mentee of miss amylia..we were fiaght between mentee en fauzi n pn marina..what a awesome game..duduk for a while ,then suddenly the speaker were saying this"mentee miss amylia go to final terus,menang tanpa bertanding".best kn..hee then i was fight to en fauzi mentee..ngeh we win owh dats battle..sweating gle..then bf cme with a big me la knon,while he laughing at me ble x dapt smatch that ball..the game were end almost 8.30pm..the maghrib pun ktorg lggr,syok sgt main..heee.. after that go to kg with bf buy nasi lemak+smbal sotng+ayam goreng..yeey TERBAIK..hee

tanx for the group member..were win..haha

n u bf tanx for support kn;))

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


hem..tried giler today..1st go to sg buloh to find florist tp tak jumpe..then off to selayang..the florist there sume wat hantaran not the real florist..that make bouquet for wedding,valentine and any occasion..sigh..tired..the minyah is almost empty..the driver/bf still saying"sempat smpai punyer,jgn risaw"..risaw of coz ,bwtnyer mati cmner??haish..he was so confident..hem lelaki x nak dgr ckp his gf ni..then after pusing slayang,tak jumper jugak florist shop..ngeh kdai bunga pun susah cari..we off to Damansara..luckly ta was so tired n hungry..hehe..suh mkn goreng pisang ,belagak..then starving,pdn muke..almost every damansra we go..there still no florist aper??stu pun xde..sigh..then we off to the OU .finally found one florist..happy kowt...then craving for food..almost 7pm,eat at pizza milano..

the menu is..
5 spagetti
5 coke+mirnda

total=rm50 ,berbaloi kn??

9.00 pm

kenyang already..hee..went off to unisel..tired,ngantok +kekenyangn..ngeee;))

tenx boyfie for being our driver..heee
luv u..


yeay..class cancel wonder lah berat sgt mate nak bukak..hee tanx cik zahrul..
i've been asking to my self is he the one??ngeh..mcm ragu2.. mama .abah already noe about us..but the things is ragu2 tired having fight and then get back to normal nothing happen..
marah2,yelling to each other,bentak2 pastuh ok..that what couple means ek??..he is ok always..but me ,the one who to be blame...since the day i meet him i noe he can be a good partner for me..
but now is getting fade away..hem.. what should i do?? pening kan..

  • get ready to meet pn rashidah at 2.oo pm
  • mkn2 at cfe my jam
  • blik
  • sleep
  • then do project

hope sucessfull our project

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


sumpah x syok..asyek kne mara..
dont u have feeling ape yg i rse??
malu lah bgado for the bende kecik..
i need u to understand me..

tired enough all this gado2 stuff..
cannot live mcm ni lg..
ill try to understand u but u dun ever try pun kn..

rindu arwah atok..
ta penh mara aku mcmni..
atok angah rindu atok..sgt2

herm..lets start
meeting with cik fauzi..he tell us that he no longer our HOP..means dat no more guraw senda with HOP..hem..the meeting is all about final projek..sumpah susah.. bru listen the guideline da pening..he said dats we dun have much time lg..well as he noe dat his student suke wat keje last minute..heee..

the project:
  1. need to do x tawu guideline lg
  2. cr any business to do in online
  3. bwt keje smpai x tido untill last presentation
  4. wat bus plan n bla,bla....

all dat are required..sumpah penat,pening n neeed so so so much energy..
rindu besties..xoxo..muaxie

bestie i need u ..
pls do text me..
p/s i love u
getting ready for meeting tonite..hee.. asyek meeting ntah bler2 nak dinner nyer.. im tired enough..
bf still with another sassy gf name DINA MORALES.. envy sgt with their r'ship.. ngeh..mkn pun nak same2.. the sassy gf pun stu,realize or not that im his gf?? daaa...

epy for both of you.;((

penat lah today..x bwt ape pun tp silent my fon then bf calling like 7 sorry dear..x sengaja.. the final project is getting in progress.. tp mcm can people make a system easily??..tired enough all the it thingy.. hurm.. envy sgt for the people yg ade practical..

all that..
still tired looking for tutor..
penat giler..lenguh kaki..

linda went to derma drh..
pastu muntah2..xmkn afta derma..

not ready to derma drah..umm
sumpah takot..
macm skit jer look at the jarum...ngee

look at atoks gamba..
miss him..
sgt2 lah..
the best atok i have..
rindu nyer...

calling bf..still tido..
gler btul da tgh hri x bgn lg..
pent lah sgt..haish..
its ok..

major headche

i was thinkg in giving up in this relationship..
penat la always gado bende2 kecik..
the things goes samer jer..
fight,get mad ,merajok,upset..
thats all..hee

bosn kan..
the things is i'm not request bende bukn2 from him..
just nak ur little time jer..ngeh~

still consider to get mad..
but too much in luv..
perhaps he will understands..

Monday, October 5, 2009

strory about a men

he never know the erti about senang in life..
kerja kuat as driver bus to mke sure all his kid happy..

chilhood time..
pick me up at my house using his bus mini..
tame my sibling jalan2 around k.l..sgt best..
take a good care of me n sbling too..
mintak jer he will try to dapatkn..
thats my atok..

his 'childhood time'
i n my family take care of him pulak..
i bwk dye g hospital every time..
xnak org laen accept me..

i miss all that moment..
skang every month i dont hve to bring anybody to hospital anymore..
he's gone..
pergi jauh entah di mane..
insyaALLAH disisi kalian yg beriman..

for u atok...
i miss all that moment so much..
ketahuilah cucu mu ini sgt menyayangi kamu..

Al-Fatihah for u..
moga Allah melindungi kamu..

keep standing

a moment that we know we going to loose smebody,then we will realize how precious they are..

yeay.. i noe know they are very important to my life..