Monday, November 30, 2009

telalu baik..

some people said jgn terlalu baik ,nnty org pijak kepala..there what happen to me..being too nice smpai tak recognize the good and bad side..manusia kan punye hati lain..skarang cakap lain esok lusa da jadi lain..well same goes what happen to pijak kepala suke2 je..coz nurul nadirah ni tak reti how to marah org..only can i say is "xpelah"..haish..da kene pijak baru sedar..manusia2;p..realize bile da kene..heee;P standard for human dat never gratefull what the pencipta have give to u..human always forget what they have.what they do and what they have rite a human too..punye hati kecil yang ingin accomplish what i dream for..yesh go for it dira..why cant i being too nice??is it wrong?? sick of the people that realize what they do after da bwat..
cant u think what their feeling??

i dun care what u want to do..just leave me alone
and let me walk by myself..

i was wondering wha if become a bad person??
ngeh..just be urself..the real u lah kan..
happy already..cuz i the one who know myself better..;)))


i just wish i can;))

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1st love

status:im thinkg bout my oldy time;))

owh 1st love its not so easy to forget kot..yelah 1st time learn how to love somebody,take care somebody and macam2 lah..heee;))1st love also make u too know what is the life is kan..1st love bole describe as cinta monyet tak??hehe cinta yang ntah pape..aiyaya..owh tak leh lupe how i leh in love with somebody mse form 1 dulu..gatal betol anak ck din ni..hehe yelah terikut membe kan.. membe ade bf sy pun nak juge..hihi now the person is happy with his happy too look at already have your own dream to accomplish..well done sgt..both of us now ade life sndiri kan..but we never forget bout our 1st still mad at u a cite lame lets forget bout that..heee;)) never ever forget about the old memory..that will make me know where i come from,how my life become better and better,ETC..thank you for your memory and saya sgt menghargai kengan awak...kelaka sgt*wink* sgt budak2...haish now do it what ever u dream about and create ur life that more better than praying that u will find someone way better than me...amin sgt awak..Good luck in ur life..i never forget bout what has happened toward us coz u the one who aja sy bout love..ajaran sesat awak yeh..Heee;p everybody have their 1st love so do we..the things that screwed up mse dulu lets just forget and create our new life..which is u are happy and im happy too look at you..

tanx you first love for the memory;))

im happy with my love rite now..
tanx also for the anything that we have rite now
in love with you;))
aww...its u love

something will happened..

no wonder if ur oldy said to you like this:
1)jgn bwat kerja last minute
2)bwat awal2 nnty tak kelam kabot
3) hve to be prepare everyday
4) jgn gedik2 nak wat kerja lambat

well do listen plss..something will happened..mcm kene curse if not listen to them..huuu;))
that what happen to me n my frens..gile kentang everything leh jd kelam kabot..sigh..but Alhamdulillah everything is went so good after the "things happen"..heee;))

for the linda,mel & yul
what a day we have been through together..
love u all the joy that we have..
stay in good relationship..

Monday, November 23, 2009

happy anniversary!!

yes its my n our anniversary..
2 years n 4 month..
in love sgt;))
thanks for everything love..
ur sacrifice n everything..
its mean alot to me..
thank sgt..
keep standing and strong..

i luv u love;)))

Thursday, November 19, 2009


wat an awesome tgk am nak kiamat da dunia..peta dunia can turn around like 360 degree..suddenly all thing in this world tenggelam...2 n 1/2 hours lah this sgt watch this movie it will make us insaf seketika..

love thanks for the movie yeh..xoxo

Sunday, November 15, 2009


yeah words for..
tanx like aloooot to u..
tanx for the humilation u just give..
yeah u..
bad huh??
can i descride u such as a backstabber??
listen to me you..
the one who bad mounthing ..
happy with what u r doing??
thank God..
i noe my its not urs..
i realize what i doing..
im grateful coz im realize wat have i did..
not like u... so pissed off with u..
yes u!!
so listen to me you something and anything..
i noe wat i did wrong..
no need to tell anybody where my wrong is..
cuz u is not so perfect..
juz like me..

so tanx again for the humiliation..
tanx anyway and plus tanx and tanx again....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

my love

ow.. he's busy with study mintak maaf cannot give u my full attention towards u..
sy sgt busy with my final project yang sgt sorry for letting u tiada when u need sorry yer..after da grad ill pay it back ..heee;))

sincerely from

Monday, November 9, 2009

sy envy bout others life

statement yg sgt best..heee;)) nothing to jeles pon,but ade ker org yg ta nak hidup way better than their life skarang?? happy to see u live in a good life..rezeki you..its not my rezeki live a life like..but sy bersyukur..i still have abah and mama..siblings too..way better than the orphan and poor people..alhamdulillah..

im happy with my life rite now..sometimes jeles jugak with other people life..
its ok dira u have everything u need for..
sudah cukup untuk memuaskan hati kaw..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

i miss u..

yer sy rindu..
die yg jauh sgt...
even die da pergi jauh dr sy ,tp sy tetap rindu die..
i need that kekuatan ya TUHAN..

aku mengalirkan air mate kerana dia..
melihat gambar nyer sudah membuat hati ini sebak..
kau pergi menyembah Tuhan yg stu..
dan aku disini redha akn pemergian mu..

Ya Tuhan besar ujian mu ini..
aku berdiri smbil muhasabah diri ini..
perlu kata2 semangat dari yg tersayang...
aku lemah disaat ko memggil mereka yg aku sayang..

i do have weakness..
sy mohon pada mu Ya Tuhan tlg tempatkan dia disisi mu..
kerana aku terlalu rindu dan terlalu syg akan dirinya..

i wish i have more time to spend with you atok..
sy sedar sy manusia yg sgt lemah..
Ya Allah ampunkan segala2 dosanya dan tempat kn dia disisi mereka yg beriman..
i love u and i miss u..

Friday, November 6, 2009

another MUET

at 7.30 am..

MUET the second part which student have to listening,writing and reading session..
cuak ok...wish me gud luck..need that luck sgt2..;))

Thursday, November 5, 2009

final project stuck!! sengal la my lappy..bwat hal pulak.."wat happen to u lappy beby,mrajok yeh"..sigh..
bleh stuck tengah2 jalan pulak..the project have to submit in december..aiyak few days n hours more..dye buat perangai pulak..mara la mcm ni..;/ frens punyer lappy pun leh jd sme mcm my laptop..dorg komplot neyh..haish..

semlam go to pavy and sg wang..looking for dress..laa bnyak nyer yang cantek2..yunk beli jacket for dinner,me beli forever21 punyer kemeja..the tema of that dinner is red carpet..sigh..ala nak pakai dress ta nak yg seksi2..hehe;))

laptp beby:pls berfungsi as usual mamy need u to do my work..i love u more k beby!!;))

project problem

hmm..the progress of project stuck seketika..kesengalan lappy sudah melanda..*wt

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

happy 20th buffy dear

Joyeux anniversaire à ma bien-aimée sayang

smoga ko panjang umur dan murah rezeki
i luv u more day by ou frenship is gettig old then before..
i love u xoxo
hee,,nty celbate ye..;))

sy maw bawa mereka lari bleh??

boleh yeh???
love xoxo
sgt rindu ini org...

Monday, November 2, 2009

im happy

ye sy gembira kerana sy punyai family sgt lovable..;)) standing behind and if i fall they will catch glad ya Tuhan..bersyukur untk semuanya..punyai manusia yang masih menyayangi tanpa had..memg berbaloi-baloi have family like them..awesome kn..ngeh

i was like terkejut seketika when i see my sassy kakak in law nyer blog..the day i was driving from kl-bkt tagar using" their "car..sgt syok dapat bawak keta org..tanx sister!! me and her pecah after reach bkt tagar..i went to UNISEL n "them" went to makngah house..bleh plak terserempak ngn accident..haish takot kot..

owh 1 more thing when i was drving to my house on last Friday.i saw an excident..the car hit the motorcycle and the person that on the motorcyle terbang mcm superman..gile ngeri aite?? i was so suprise ,shaking seketika..and terpegun juga..n sy call Abah ..abah kate ok lah tuh..cmtuh pulak?? from now saya sgt berhati2 ketika memandu..;))

for u(b)
bwk keta anak dara mama n abah punyer ok;))